Online Classes (Zoom and Facebook Live)

Expertise is a myth.

That’s right. From my 25 years in the hair care industry, I have gathered that one can never learn enough. Even if you are a seasoned salon professional, you’ll always find room for learning and improvement. The reason being, since hair trends keep on changing every day, the phase of learning never ends. But what really pushes you forward is not just the ability to learn, but the ability to share what you’ve learned as well.


My motto has always been simple: Share, while you learn. When you think you have mastered a skill, go the extra mile and impart that knowledge onto others who need it. Keeping this goal in mind, GK Hair Team decided to introduce online education classes for independent salon owners. These classes are conducted on Zoom and Facebook Live every Monday, and cover benefits, live demonstration, and final outcome of everything from Taming Treatments to Bamboo Color Technique to Add-ons in different languages and regions. These online sessions provide learners with the facility to learn from the comfort of their own place, and hone their skills and expertise. For every live session on Hair Smoothing and Taming Treatments, the educators also reward the learners with certificates of participation.

Online Education

These classes have been a huge success not only for the newbies, but also for our dedicated educators who put tireless efforts into helping the learners grow, and the company itself. Lianne Hannaford is a salon industry expert who has been associated with GK Hair for more than 13 years. She opines that GK Hair has not only helped her grow by providing her the opportunity to train others but also has contributed majorly to the growth of the salon industry itself:

“One of the things that helped me the most was the opportunity to demonstrate to my clients that GK hair was real; because it could heal the hair, it could repair the hair. And from that, my reputation, my clients, and I grew. If you have a chance to brand-stand with everything you know, do it. I simply started spreading the truth. I’ve had people who came to me saying that they’ve heard about the brand, and what it can do, and they decided to do it. And people stay. That’s what GK hair has done for me by giving me the platform, the opportunity, and support, and the years I’ve been with the company have been unimaginable.” -Lianne Hannaford – Brand Ambassador of GK Hair

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